Question: Error On Custom Builds On Public Galaxy Server
gravatar for David Beck
6.7 years ago by
David Beck10
David Beck10 wrote:
I am having a problem with the public galaxy server. When I try to go the User->Custom Builds page, I see the following error: -- Server Error An error occurred. See the error logs for more information. (Turn debug on to display exception reports here) -- I had previously created a custom build but when I try to use it, for example in a BWA/Illumina alignment, I get the following error: -- Error executing tool: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object -- I believe this is a continuation of a previous thread that was started before I joined the list: custom-builds-on-public-galaxy-server-td4396289.html Thanks for any help. -- David A. C. Beck, Ph.D. eScience Institute University of Washington, Seattle
bwa alignment • 775 views
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