Question: Visualization > New Track Browser Dropdown Menu Too Long
gravatar for Kevin Lam
7.2 years ago by
Kevin Lam70
Kevin Lam70 wrote:
I found the dropdown menu list to be too long to be effectively used especially when viewed i chrome (browser) I can only see 5 genomes at a time and the ordering of the genomes isn't intuitive. Can I suggest that a frequently used genomes list be in the rest of the page so that it is easier to use for most users? like a table of common genomes to immediately create a new track browser from there? Cheers Kevin
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.2 years ago • written 7.2 years ago by Kevin Lam70
gravatar for Kevin Lam
7.2 years ago by
Kevin Lam70
Kevin Lam70 wrote:
Oh btw I just looked at the list of loaded system-installed builds. there are 934 genomes if I am not wrong. browsing 5 by 5 is quite excruciating!
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.2 years ago by Kevin Lam70
You can just type the first few letters of your organism to go through the list quickly. -Farhat -- Farhat Habib, PhD Scientist-C, Center of Excellence in Epigenetics Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Pune Twitter: @far_hat Office: +91 20 2590 8080
ADD REPLYlink written 7.2 years ago by Farhat Habib80
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