Question: (Closed) sample numbering in edgeR
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4 months ago by
e.brosens10 wrote:

Dear Sir/madam

I am running edge R and keep running in to two ietems, hopefully you can help me.

First thing is that the output his autonumbered and I am unsure as what number corresponds to which sample (e.g. X231 instead of my sample name) Is there somewhere I can find that ID?

Two Analysis get stuck and I getb the warning message:

Fatal error: Exit code 1 () Error in row.names<*tmp*, value = c("X251", "X300", "X270", : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed Calls: row.names<- -> row.names< Warning message: non-unique value when setting 'row.names': ‘X300’

However, all my samples (htseq count are run in the same manner and have the same number of rows as an output. Could you help me with this problem?

best Erwin

rna-seq • 231 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4 months ago • written 4 months ago by e.brosens10


never mind. edgeR needs headers with samplenames otherwise it will take the first row as header

best Erwin

ADD REPLYlink written 4 months ago by e.brosens10

Hello e.brosens!

We believe that this post does not fit the main topic of this site.


For this reason we have closed your question. This allows us to keep the site focused on the topics that the community can help with.

If you disagree please tell us why in a reply below, we'll be happy to talk about it.


ADD REPLYlink written 4 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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