are there any plans to provide a GATK4-tool for Galaxy?
I know that there have been licensing issues in the past, but since GATK 4 is unter BSD 3-clause license, I thought I'd ask..
are there any plans to provide a GATK4-tool for Galaxy?
I know that there have been licensing issues in the past, but since GATK 4 is unter BSD 3-clause license, I thought I'd ask..
I'm not sure of the current status, so asked at the IUC Gitter channel here. Let's see what they say.
Please feel free to join in on the conversation: https://gitter.im/galaxy-iuc/iuc?at=5b1abdb3144c8c6fea7fb5c3
The developers may post back either place.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
The developers wrote back, details at the post above. In short, the tools are planned to be wrapped. Now, this is a big project so it will be at least a month out and very likely a bit longer. We have our yearly GCC conference at the end of June. Please check back around August if you do not see it on the public servers or in the ToolShed by then for a status update if you want.
Help to test the new wrappers out with real-experimental data would be appreciated to catch any corner-case problems or to better tune the initial resource allocations.