Question: refresh_on_change fields when re-run tool
gravatar for vandel.jimmy
8 months ago by
vandel.jimmy0 wrote:


I'm developing my own tool on Galaxy. I use python script to generate personalized options for "select" input parameter depending on previous input file which is selected by user. I set for each dynamic parameter "refresh_on_change=T" and the generative function through " dynamic_options".

Some of these "select" input parameters depend on a first "select" parameter that depends on the input file. All is working well when i fill all fields for the first time.

The question is about re-runing the tool from a history result. The first "select" parameter that depends directly on the input file is reset to its correct previous value but not next parameters that depend on this first parameter. I assume that all python functions are run at the same time during page reload. And second parameters don't have information from the first parameter which is not set yet.

Am'I right about that ? Any suggestion ?

Thanks for any help.


ADD COMMENTlink modified 8 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 8 months ago by vandel.jimmy0
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
8 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


The re-run function should bring up a tool form in the exact configuration as set at the original runtime. This includes the first select. If is not being set at rerun, the original problem is likely at that point in your custom tool (with other problems possible).

How to troubleshoot:

  • Use Planemo for tool development
  • Find another tool wrapped for Galaxy in the Main Tool Shed that has this functionality intact and model your tool in the same way. Many tools have dynamic form options - BWA is one, but you'll need to check if this or other tools are actually a match.
  • Consider asking this question at the mailing list. That will reach the wider development community. Please be aware that they will probably ask if you are using Planemo or not yet.

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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