Hi, I was aligning with bwa-mem on a 52.7GB trimmed paired fastq from WGS under the following conditions
Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index? cached
Using reference genome hg19
Single or Paired-end reads paired_iv
Select fastq dataset 1: F30_S11_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired).fastq
Enter mean, standard deviation, max, and min for insert lengths. 475
Set read groups information? set_picard
Auto-assign true
Auto-assign true
Auto-assign true
Platform/technology used to produce the reads (PL) ILLUMINA.....
The run aborted about 4 hours later and showed the following error message:
Fatal error: Matched on ERROR: [main] Version: 0.7.15-r1140 [main] CMD: bwa mem -t 10 -v 1 -p -I 475 -R @RG\tID:F30_S11_L001_R1_001__paired__trimmed__paired_.fastq\tSM:F30_S11_L001_R1_001__paired__trimmed__paired_.fastq\tPL:ILLUMINA\tLB:F30_S11_L001_R1_0
What could be the source of error? Please help. Thank you!