Question: Re: Ucsc->Emboss/Fuzznuc->Ucsc Workflow?
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
7.5 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Curtis, The BED extraction data can be resolved in Galaxy. Pull out the whole gene and then modify the coordinates in Galaxy to be 10k upstream. To be clear - this coordinate data is going to be used to transform the coordinates in your current fuzznuc output that is transcript-based to be genome-based. The coordinates are not input for fuzznuc - the are used after fuzznuc is run on the fasta file, in order to covert the result coordinates only. This page in the UCSC wiki has a good description of how the UCSC coordinates are organized. The output format for fuzznuc is documented in the tool's help - the last line on the tool form has a link. Hopefully this helps to clear up the suggested processing, Thanks, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
galaxy • 743 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.5 years ago by Robert Curtis Hendrickson130 • written 7.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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7.5 years ago by
Jennifer, Thanks for your help so far. I've been trying to implement the approach you outlined. It seems to be taking a lot of steps. I think I'm now at the last step, where I convert my TAB format file into a BED and push it to USCS for viewing. But I don't see anything that will allow me to do that last conversion step. Any advice would be appreciated. Curtis
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.5 years ago by Robert Curtis Hendrickson130
Hi Curtis, Two more steps were needed, I ran them in this history: embossfuzznuc-ucsc-workflow-63 1 - removed the first column ("hg19") from dataset #38, using the "Text Manipulation -> Cut" tool 2 - in the resulting dataset #40, I used the pencil icon to change the file type to be "BED" and the metadata (column assignments) for a BED6 file were assigned After this, the UCSC link comes up (click on it to view there). Great job! If you want to, please consider publishing the Workflow along with a Page that describes the processing. Others using the fuzznuc tool would likely appreciate the help. Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD REPLYlink written 7.5 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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7.5 years ago by
Jen, Thanks for all your help. Here's the final Galaxy workflow for doing FUZZNUC on a BED file from UCSC Table Browser, then producing BED file that you can view in UCSC. I do not include the "Get Flank" operation in this base workflow, but include a note in the description. I have not (yet) had time to make the score in the final BED dependent on the quality of the match, when mis-matches are allowed, but I hope to come back and add that later. How does one handle versioning of published workflows? Do updated the existing one, or create another with a .v2 name? Also, I used several "Text Manipulation> Compute" steps - is there any way to compute more than 1 new column at a time? Regards, Curtis
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.5 years ago by Robert Curtis Hendrickson130
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