Question: Fastq format to final format
gravatar for juliana.earaujo
12 months ago by
juliana.earaujo0 wrote:


I used the galaxy to remove sequence debris and sequencing primers, as well as exclude small sequences. I used Trim galore and Trimmomatic. This has generated files in fastqsanger format. But I need to download in fastq to use these clean sequences to do assembly.

I can not find a way to convert fastqsanger to fastq.

Thank you


galaxy • 291 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k • written 12 months ago by juliana.earaujo0
gravatar for Devon Ryan
12 months ago by
Devon Ryan1.9k
Devon Ryan1.9k wrote:

You don't need to do any conversion, fastqsanger is fastq with a specific quality encoding. All fastq files produced in the past 5 or so years are "fastqsanger" in Galaxy terminology.

ADD COMMENTlink written 12 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k
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