Question: Free Bayes Exit code error
gravatar for federico.bernuzzi
14 months ago by
Quadram Institute of BioSciences
federico.bernuzzi20 wrote:

Hi guys

Has anyone come across this error?

Fatal error: Exit code 25 () unable to find FASTA index entry for '10' unable to find FASTA index entry for '1' unable to find FASTA index entry for '11' unable to find FASTA index entry for '12' unable to find FASTA index entry for '13' unable to find FASTA index entry for '14' unable to find FASTA index entry for '15' unable to find FASTA index entry for '16' unable to find FASTA index entry for '17' unable to find FASTA index entry for '18' unable to find FASTA index entry for '19' unable to find FASTA index entry for '20' unable to find FASTA index entry for '2' unable to find FASTA index entry for '21' unable to find FASTA index entry for '22' unable to find FASTA index entry for '3' unable to find FASTA index entry for '4' unable to find FASTA index entry for '5' unable to find FASTA index entry for '6' unable to find FASTA index entry for '7' unable to find FASTA index entry for '8' unable to find FASTA index entry for '9' unable to find FASTA index entry for 'MT' unable to find FASTA index entry for 'X' unable to find FASTA index entry for 'Y'

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated

ADD COMMENTlink modified 14 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 14 months ago by federico.bernuzzi20
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
14 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:

Hello -

These are warnings from the tool indicating a genome mismatch problem. This wouldn't necessarily be the root cause (or only cause) of why the job ended in an error though. It depends not only on the tool but the settings. But if a genome mismatch problem is present, even if a job is technically "successful" (green in the history) - the results will not be valid.

First, correct the genome mismatch between the inputs, this is how: Mismatched Chromosome identifiers

Then rerun and see what type of error you get (if any). It can be posted back here (click on the bug icon to view/copy) or sent in as a bug report if working at

Hope this helps!

Jen, Galaxy team

All Support FAQs

ADD COMMENTlink written 14 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Thanks Jen, much appreciated

ADD REPLYlink written 14 months ago by federico.bernuzzi20
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