Question: Subject: Analyzing Targeted Resequencing Data With> Galaxy
gravatar for Jackie Lighten
7.7 years ago by
Jackie Lighten20 wrote:
You can do all the quality filtering with Galaxy, but may involve various manipulations of the data. If I am not mistaken the "metagenomics" workflow may help you out a little. Its designed for 454 data but should give you an idea of how to go about things. There is a video tutorial on the site for this workflow. A good place for you to start, however, may be here: Subject: Prinseq is easy to use and will give you a full break down of your raw data and enables you to filter by quality/length etc. FASTqc is an Illumina specialized preliminary analysis tool: I my self was not very impressed with CLC at all. It lacks very rudimentary yet critical functions. I am currently working on population amplicon data so couldn't really help you too much in the latest mapping to reference advances, but I found the Lasergene SEQman mapping and de-nova assembler much better than the CLC assembler. Good luck Jack On 11
galaxy • 672 views
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