Question: Tutorials from GCC2016 RNA-seq training session
gravatar for Peter van Heusden
2.4 years ago by
Peter van Heusden150 wrote:

Hi there

I missed the last part of the session "RNA-seq analysis with Galaxy, using advanced workflows" at the Training Days for GCC2016. Can someone please provide a link to the tutorial material used in that session, especially the second (StringTie) and third (DESeq2) sets of tutorials?

Thanks, Peter

gcc2016 rna-seq • 506 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.4 years ago • written 2.4 years ago by Peter van Heusden150
gravatar for Peter van Heusden
2.4 years ago by
Peter van Heusden150 wrote:

Simon Gladman sent the link to me, it is:

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.4 years ago by Peter van Heusden150
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