Question: Commandline Bowtie2 and variant call help.
gravatar for syrez.m
3.0 years ago by
syrez.m0 wrote:

Hello there!

When you run bowtie2 to align the reads to the genome, some stats about the file are displayed:

xxxxxx reads; of these:

  nnnnnn (f%) were unpaired; of these:

    aaaaaa (g%) aligned 0 times

    bbbbbb (h%) aligned exactly 1 time

    cccccc (j%) aligned >1 times

Can you say 'number of reads mapped' = reads aligned exactly 1 time? What's the difference?


How do I count the number of indels in a VCF file using command line? 


ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 3.0 years ago by syrez.m0
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3.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


For: "Can you say 'number of reads mapped' = reads aligned exactly 1 time? What's the difference?"

The number of mapped reads is the total of "aligned exactly 1 time" plus "aligned >1 times". The difference is how many times the read mapped.

It depends on the tool and the option settings, but in order to capture a mapped position the read (by itself) maps with equal statistically significant quality to each map location. This is one reason why paired-end mapping is valuable - the proximity/orientation of the two reads can help filter to find the best location (often called "concordantly mapped" or "properly paired reads" by tools/reports). The SAMTools tool group has wrapped tools to do this sort of filtering for pipelines used to call variants. For RNA-seq, some tools do the filtering as part of the tool (such as Cufflinks).

For: "How do I count the number of indels in a VCF file using command line?"

Try VCF Tools. This and other options are discussed in detail at forums like

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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