Question: Tools do not open
gravatar for k.kok
3.6 years ago by
k.kok10 wrote:

Dear support team,


I have a question about using GALAXY. I have used it – infrequently – for some years. Now what happened is the following. I opened GALAXY, and opened my history. I see all files, and I can open and inspect them as well. On the left panel – the tools panel – I can “Get Data” and “send data”. But most of the tools do not work. When I left-click on them I get an empty screen in the middle instead of the screen that I normally see. What can be wrong here???

galaxy • 510 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.6 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k • written 3.6 years ago by k.kok10
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3.6 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:

You can try clearing your cache to ensure you have the latest version of the tool form javascript dependencies.  If that doesn't fix it, can you check your browser's console for javascript errors?

ADD COMMENTlink written 3.6 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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