Question: Announcement: Wikiomics - Http://Wikiomics.Org] (Fwd)
gravatar for Belinda M. Giardine
12.8 years ago by
Belinda M. Giardine70 wrote:
Just in case you are interested. Belinda Wikiomics is an open documentation initiative in the field of bioinformatics and systems biology. Wikiomics consists in a free space for storing and sharing information that joins together practical and theoretical aspects of bioinformatics. Anyone can initiate or modify an article at Wikiomics and use it as a collection of notes, links and papers on a specific problem. Page history and email notification make it easy to track changes made by other users of this wiki. Each article of Wikiomics is a dynamic, easy-to-maintain review which would eventually provide: - - brief explanations of strategies and methods, possibly with figures and math formulas - - links to relevant bioinformatics services and software distributors - - links to PubMed abstracts, thanks to a built-in citation manager So make yourself at home at And have fun! Martin Jambon, for the Wikiomics technical staff. - -- Martin Jambon, PhD Keep up with Bioinformatics at
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.8 years ago by Belinda M. Giardine70
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