News: Baltimore Area Galaxy Meetup @ Johns Hopkins, January 22
gravatar for Dave Clements
3.9 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:

The Galaxy Project is holding a "meetup" style event on Thursday, January 22, starting at 6pm in the Department of Biology on the Homewood Campus.  The meetup is open to anyone interested in analyzing the large datasets that are typical of contemporary research.  Johns Hopkins is one of the two hubs for the project.

We will be kicking things off with a discussion of Galaxy and how researchers around the world are leveraging it. See the meetup page for more information.

Please RSVP as space is limited.

We are hoping this will be the first of many meetups, both in the Baltimore area, and elsewhere. If you are interested in hosting a meetup in your area, please contact Galaxy Outreach and we will help you get the word out.


Enis Afgan and Nitesh Turaga, of the Galaxy Team

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