Question: usage of history
gravatar for athonysmith
4.3 years ago by
athonysmith10 wrote:

After I have removed almost all results, the usage of space will not drop. Is it not a usage of disk space?


ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.3 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 4.3 years ago by athonysmith10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
4.3 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:

Hello Athony,

Histories and/or datasets must be permanently deleted (not just deleted) in order to free up disk space. 

To remove individual datasets while in a history, use the History menu option "Include Deleted Datasets" to view those in delete and permanently deleted status. You can use the links provided to permanently delete individual datasets, the "Operations on multiple datasets" (box with checkmark at the top of a history) to just permanently delete the selected datasets in batch, or the option "Purge deleted datasets" to remove all in "delete" status at once. You may also wish to examine Hidden datasets (using the History menu option to include them), if you use workflows, to see if there are any in that status that you wish to permanently delete.

To remove histories, use the History menu option "Saved Histories", then click on Advanced search, followed by choosing status = all. This will bring up a view of all histories in an account (there may be multiple pages, see the bottom of the form). Status is in the far right column. For any that are "deleted" but not permanently deleted, you can use the menu for individual histories to permanently delete them, or use the check box next to each to select those to purge then click on the "Permanently delete" button at the bottom of the form.

A final location to search for account data is in the History option "Histories Shared with me". Unshare those no longer needed to recover additional disk space. 

More details are in this wiki, including a demonstration video:

Hopefully this helps, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.3 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Thanks, it really helps!

Best, Zeng



发件人:"Jennifer Hillman Jackson on Galaxy Biostar" <> 发送时间:2014-08-20 14:31 主题:[galaxy-biostar] A: usage of history 收件人:"athonysmith"<> 抄送:

Activity on a post you are following on Galaxy Biostar User Jennifer Hillman Jackson wrote Answer: usage of history: Hello Athony, Histories and/or datasets must be permanently deleted (not just deleted) in order to free up disk space. To remove individual datasets while in a history, use the History menu option "Include Deleted Datasets" to view those in delete and permanently deleted status. You can use the links provided to permanently delete individual datasets, the "Operations on multiple datasets" (box with checkmark at the top of a history) to just permanently delete the selected datasets in batch, or the option "Purge deleted datasets" to remove all in "delete" status at once. You may also wish to examine Hidden datasets (using the History menu option to include them), if you use workflows, to see if there are any in that status that you wish to permanently delete. To remove histories, use the History menu option "Saved Histories", then click on Advanced search, followed by choosing status = all. This will bring up a view of all histories in an account (there may be multiple pages, see the bottom of the form). Status is in the far right column. For any that are "deleted" but not permanently deleted, you can use the menu for individual histories to permanently delete them, or use the check box next to each to select those to purge then click on the "Permanently delete" button at the bottom of the form. A final location to search for account data is in the History option "Histories Shared with me". Unshare those no longer needed to recover additional disk space. More details are in this wiki, including a demonstration video: Hopefully this helps, Jen, Galaxy team

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ADD REPLYlink written 4.3 years ago by athonysmith10

The galaxy system send me an error like

"<>: Command died with status 127: " curl -F key='galaxy5364' -F body='<-' | /export/". Command output: sh: 1: /export/ not found"

So I wrongly send again. I'll delete it after I find the way to delete this message.

ADD REPLYlink modified 4.3 years ago • written 4.3 years ago by athonysmith10
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