Question: Url Problem
gravatar for Kucukural, Alper
5.3 years ago by
Kucukural, Alper30 wrote:
Hi, I have a problem in galaxy to get host/domain name in two different pages. First one is in the tool installation from toolshed, I got the error below, ##### Not Found The requested URL /admin_toolshed/prepare_for_install was not found on this server. ##### The second one is in the saved histories. When I click the buttons of the saved histories. I got the similar error like below. ##### Not Found The requested URL /history/list was not found on this server. ##### I haven't seen these any other pages yet. My installation is working on LDAP authentication with Proxy. So, I could not find a place to set the domain or host name in these two places that they can actually find the requested URLs. In the paster.log file. I don't get any error when I install a tool or go to another history. It doesn't report any error. Thanks for your help, Alper Kucukural
galaxy • 806 views
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