Question: Downloading Output File Thru Filezilla
gravatar for Mark Edward Fabreag
5.3 years ago by
Mark Edward Fabreag20 wrote:
Good day. I just want to inquire if there is a way to download output through FileZilla. Thank you very much.
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.3 years ago by Mayank Tandon40 • written 5.3 years ago by Mark Edward Fabreag20
gravatar for Mayank Tandon
5.3 years ago by
Mayank Tandon40 wrote:
Hi Mark, As far as I know, you cannot. However, you can still download via FTP (much faster than HTTP using a web browser) using simple terminal commands, like curl in Linux/OSX. You can find out more in Jennifer's response to a previous question here: td4655116.html Good luck! Mayank On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, Mark Edward Fabreag <> FileZilla.
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.3 years ago by Mayank Tandon40
Hi Mark, If you maintain a local installation of galaxy, you can add separate tools to copy data from histories back to the ftp server. Otherwise, curl will be the best option. One example in the toolshed is this: Best, Geert -- Geert Vandeweyer, Ph.D. Department of Medical Genetics University of Antwerp Prins Boudewijnlaan 43 2650 Edegem Belgium Tel: +32 (0)3 275 97 56 E-mail:
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Geert Vandeweyer40
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