Question: Join Est And Refseq
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9.4 years ago by
Massimo50 wrote:
Hi, I am trying to join a list of EST generated by UCSC Table (user track) with all bovine Refseq list generated as well from UCSC. The two do not share any common column and I cannot have the EST with the associated Refseq. As suggested by people at UCSC I have generated my list of custom track EST and then I have set the group mRNA and EST track, track mRNA, Table RefSeq gene (reGene) and I have done an intersection with all my ESTs (All refGene records that have any overlap with User Track ). I have then send everything to Galaxy and try to use the join two queries feature but I cannot obtain a unique table with both Refseq and EST accession numbers. I have contacted the people from UCSC but they said that there is a way through Galaxy..but I could not figured it out. Please, let me know if there is a way. Thanks in advance for your help! Massimo Bionaz PhD Post-doctoral researcher Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois 366 Animal Sciences Laboratory 1207 W. Gregory Dr. Urbana, IL 61801 USA Office Tel: 1-217-333-6189 Fax: 1-217-333-8286
galaxy • 759 views
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