Question: Completegenomics Publicly Available Genomes.
gravatar for Melissa A. Wilson Sayres
7.1 years ago by
Is there a plan to add the 69 publicly available genomes from CompleteGenomics to the SharedData in Galaxy? I am planning to do some analysis of a subset of these genomes in Galaxy (and I think many more in the future). I also think many CompleteGenomics users would be more likely to use Galaxy if the masterVar files were already available in Galaxy I just wanted to check if it was already on the list, before I uploaded them myself. Thanks, Melissa -- Melissa A. Wilson Sayres, PhD Miller Fellow University of California, Berkeley
galaxy • 585 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.1 years ago by Ronald Worthington10 • written 7.1 years ago by Melissa A. Wilson Sayres60
gravatar for Ronald Worthington
7.1 years ago by
Ronald Worthington10 wrote:
This is a bizarre problem. The CGI genomes are available on the Bionimbus cloud, but not accessible through Bionimbus instances. You have to download them and upload them back into your Bionimbus space. Same for Amazon S3/EC2. This is crazy. CGI uploads everything to Amazon, and then they send out hard drives, and customers cannot even access their Amazon uploaded-data, on the cloud, that CGI used to burn the physical drives! So much bandwidth is just being wasted. Talk about a green issue! - Ron
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.1 years ago by Ronald Worthington10
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