Question: Mpileup Tool
gravatar for Keith Funkhouser
7.2 years ago by
Keith Funkhouser10 wrote:
Hi all, It seems that the more recent "mpileup" tool that is a part of SAMtools offer better indel prediction than the current "pileup" tool. I've found the following thread td3277940.html ...and the following issue wrappers-for-mpileup-and ...regarding the topic. Is there community demand for this new tool implementation in Galaxy, or is it already in the works? Thanks, Keith Funkhouser
gmod mpileup samtools bam • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.2 years ago by Keith Funkhouser10 • written 7.2 years ago by Keith Funkhouser10
gravatar for Keith Funkhouser
7.2 years ago by
Keith Funkhouser10 wrote:
Hi all, It seems that the more recent "mpileup" tool that is a part of SAMtools offer better indel prediction than the current "pileup" tool. I've found the following thread td3277940.html ...and the following issue wrappers-for-mpileup-and ...regarding the topic. Is there community demand for this new tool implementation in Galaxy, or is it already in the works? Thanks, Keith Funkhouser
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.2 years ago by Keith Funkhouser10
Hi Keith, A SAMTools update is being discussed internally. I can't comment yet about when exactly this would be implemented, but when the time comes the details would be made public in the Galaxy Announcements and News Brief: There are also a few bitbucket tickets related to particular SAMTools modules, with this one being specific for mpileup: Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD REPLYlink written 7.2 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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