Question: Re: Cufflinks With Reference Annotation And Without Reference Annotation
gravatar for Crystal Goh
7.3 years ago by
Crystal Goh10
Crystal Goh10 wrote:
Dear Jeremy, Thanks. I am sorry for sending mutiple emails. I will email only once next time. Thank you. Best regards, Crystal CC:;; To: Subject: Re: Cufflinks with reference annotation and without reference annotation Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:17:26 -0400 Crystal, If you provide a gene annotation to Cufflinks, the transcripts produced will match those in the annotation exactly. If you assemble without a gene annotation, the transcripts produced will match the reference in some cases, but, in others, will not match the reference due to small and/or large errors. Because '=' denotes an exact match between an assembled transcript and a reference transcript, more '=' are to be expected when Cufflinks has a gene annotation. Finally, a couple procedural issues: *please send questions about analyses and tool usage to the galaxy- user mailing list, not galaxy-dev or individual developers; *please do not send duplicate emails as it can confuse our tracking system and slow down our response rather than speed it up. Good luck, J. Hi, I am Crystal. I have some problem with Cuffdiff output. Hope can get some advice. Thanks. After aligning RNA-seq reads with Tophat, I used the Tophat output for Cufflinks. For Cufflinks, I tried two approaches and compared the results: 1st approach: Put zebrafish Ensembl GTF as reference annotation 2nd approach: without reference annotation. Attached word document is the workflow and parameters I set for these 2 approaches. When I compared the output of Cuffdiff between these 2 approaches, a total of 48584 tracking id with class code "=" was observed in trancript FPKM tracking file from Approach 1, whereas there is only 1248 tracking id with class code '=' from Approach 2 (I attached transcript FPKM tracking files from approach 1 and 2) In my opinion, I should observe 48584 tracking id with class code '=' and additional tracking id with other class codes in transcript FPKM tracking file from Approach 2. Can I get advice on this? Thank you. Best regards, Crystal <workflow and="" parameter="" for="" 2=""""><approach 1="" transcript="" fpkm="" tracking="" (cufflinks="" with="" reference="" annotation).zip=""><approach 2="" transcript="" fpkm="" tracking="" (cufflinks="" without="" reference="" annotation).zip="">
rna-seq cufflinks • 2.9k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.3 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k • written 7.3 years ago by Crystal Goh10
gravatar for Jeremy Goecks
7.3 years ago by
Jeremy Goecks2.2k
Jeremy Goecks2.2k wrote:
Crystal, If you provide a gene annotation to Cufflinks, the transcripts produced will match those in the annotation exactly. If you assemble without a gene annotation, the transcripts produced will match the reference in some cases, but, in others, will not match the reference due to small and/or large errors. Because '=' denotes an exact match between an assembled transcript and a reference transcript, more '=' are to be expected when Cufflinks has a gene annotation. Finally, a couple procedural issues: *please send questions about analyses and tool usage to the galaxy- user mailing list, not galaxy-dev or individual developers; *please do not send duplicate emails as it can confuse our tracking system and slow down our response rather than speed it up. Good luck, J.
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.3 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
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