Question: Visualizing RNA STAR Bam file
gravatar for ksaville
12 days ago by
ksaville0 wrote:


I'm working through the RNA-seq tutorial using the Pasilla knock down example. I have made it to the Bam file stage and am trying to visualize the results. I've tried IGV, IGB and UCSC. I can get the genome to load but can't see the about of mapped reads etc as shown in the tutorial. I have zoomed to chr4:540,000-560,000, but can't see anything. in UCSC a track corresponding to the data shows up as a user track. In UCSC I get a message that starts with "Byte-range request ignored by server

rna-seq igv ucsc browser • 40 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 11 days ago • written 12 days ago by ksaville0
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
12 days ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


It sounds like something went wrong during this step, or possibly an upstream step:

Double check the settings/inputs and especially the target genome mapped against (rn6). Was the mapping job successful? Not just "green" in color, but does it have the expected content? Check these first: 1) Does the BAM output have the database metadata attribute rn6 assigned? If not, you likely mapped against the wrong reference genome. 2) Are there in fact hits in the BAM? A tool like Samtools > Stats generate statistics for BAM dataset is a good way to summarize the content. If there are no mapped reads, you'll need to do some detective work to find out which step (or steps) your usage differed from the tutorial and make corrections as needed.

If you cannot figure out the problem we can probably help to troubleshoot. It doesn't appear that you are working at Galaxy Main If at another public Galaxy server, a share link to your tutorial history can be generated and posted back. Note the dataset number of the problematic BAM and be sure to leave all datasets in the analysis thread as active (do not delete or we won't be able to review them for upstream problems).

If not working at a public Galaxy server, you might try running through the tutorial at one to see if you get the same results. From this page, the "Galaxy Instances" gear icon lists public servers where each tutorial is known to work. For this one, try Galaxy Europe

If you cannot reproduce the problem at Galaxy EU, there might be a configuration or resource problem at the Galaxy server you are working at, or you did some steps differently (correctly) in the tutorial rerun.


Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 12 days ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for ksaville
11 days ago by
ksaville0 wrote:

Thank you

I'll check those things out. I was using the eu server using their tutorial on the training github site. There does seem to be an issue, maybe with the bam file. I'm going to try the rna seq tutorial on main instead

ADD COMMENTlink written 11 days ago by ksaville0
gravatar for ksaville
11 days ago by
ksaville0 wrote:

Also I'm not sure where to find the 'database metadata attribute'. But The database used to map was dm6 (not sure what rn6 is).

ADD COMMENTlink written 11 days ago by ksaville0
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