Question: Iterative Mapping -> open: No such file or directory
gravatar for stoyan.velkov
3 months ago by
stoyan.velkov10 wrote:

Hi, when I try running "Iterative Mapping" I get the following error. Please help!

Usage:   samtools merge [-nr] [-h inh.sam] <out.bam> <in1.bam> <in2.bam> [...]

Options: -n       sort by read names
         -r       attach RG tag (inferred from file names)
         -u       uncompressed BAM output
         -f       overwrite the output BAM if exist
         -1       compress level 1
         -R STR   merge file in the specified region STR [all]
         -h FILE  copy the header in FILE to <out.bam> [in1.bam]

Note: Samtools' merge does not reconstruct the @RG dictionary in the header. Users
      must provide the correct header with -h, or uses Picard which properly maintains
      the header dictionary in merging.

open: No such file or directory
[bam_sort_core] fail to open file /galaxy-repl/main/jobdir/020/446/20446985/working/combine.bam
open: No such file or directory
[main_samview] fail to open "sorted.bam" for reading.
rm: cannot remove ‘/galaxy-repl/main/jobdir/020/446/20446985/working/combine.bam’: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove ‘/galaxy-repl/main/jobdir/020/446/20446985/working/sorted.bam’: No such file or directory
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3 months ago • written 3 months ago by stoyan.velkov10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
3 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


This specific error usually comes up with this tool when there are no hits.

First, try one rerun to eliminate the possibility of this being a cluster error.

Next, I would suggest double checking the format and content of the inputs as problems with either can lead to no hits.

Finally, review the tool's runtime parameters - perhaps too stringent?


Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 3 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for stoyan.velkov
3 months ago by
stoyan.velkov10 wrote:

Hi, Thanks Jen, I just figured that out by putting out some statistics! Thanks! That was the case!

ADD COMMENTlink written 3 months ago by stoyan.velkov10
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