Question: Which tools can be used for gene annotation and for determining zygosity?
gravatar for debanjan.roy12
6 months ago by
debanjan.roy120 wrote:

I am unable to find VCFannotate tool in Galaxy and if I am using AnnovarAnnotate I am only getting an empty output with headers. Is there any tool alternative to VCF Annotate for gene annotations?

Also, is there a tool that can provide the information about whether a mutation is homozygous or heterozygous?

ADD COMMENTlink modified 6 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6 months ago by debanjan.roy120
gravatar for joshigaurav0007
6 months ago by
joshigaurav000710 wrote:

You can refer the following link.

ADD COMMENTlink written 6 months ago by joshigaurav000710

Note: Annovar's annotation indexes are only installed for the database hg19 at Galaxy Main

Alternatives are in the tutorial above with more options under the tool groups NGS: Variant Analysis, NGS: Gemini, and NGS: VCF Manipulation (last group contains VCFannotate).

If you are working at another public Galaxy server, the tools available can vary. If working at your own local/docker/cloud Galaxy, these tool and more can be installed from the ToolShed

All Galaxy tutorials:

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD REPLYlink written 6 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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