Question: SAM-to-BAM; an error occurred setting the metadata for this dataset.
gravatar for michael.magnussen.14
9 months ago by
michael.magnussen.140 wrote:

Hi. I am very new to Galaxy and am following a simple workflow for processing FASTQ files:

Step 1:Upload FTP to Usegalaxy with FileZilla

Step 2: FASTQ Groomer

Step 3: Map with BWA for Illumina

Step 4: SAM-to-BAM

When I try the SAM-to BAM step the following error message comes up:

An error occurred setting the metadata for this dataset Set it manually or retry auto-detection

I have attempted this many times in slightly different ways but always get the error message.

I would appreciate help getting past this stage.

Thank you!

samtools • 267 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9 months ago by agatyr20 • written 9 months ago by michael.magnussen.140
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9 months ago by
agatyr20 wrote:

Same problem: BWA-MEM does not work today. It results in 0 bytes bam file, and "setting the metadata" error. Few days ago everything was OK.

ADD COMMENTlink written 9 months ago by agatyr20
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