Question: Looking for somebody with experience in setting up Galaxy on Cloudman (and can provide instructions with Chinese)
gravatar for wxh81
12 months ago by
wxh810 wrote:

I'm new to galaxy and I do not have much knowledge on IT, so I find it a little bit difficult to deal with this issue. I would appreciate it if anybody can help me using simple instructions that a novice can understand (better if in Chinese!)

admin cloud galaxy cloudman • 315 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 12 months ago by wxh810
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
12 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


To set up a Cloudman Galaxy, please see:

Admin training is available here:

I do not know of existing Chinese translations, but some of the scientific training materials are undergoing translations into other languages by community contributors. Translating admin materials might be a good project for a future hackathon or possibly a project for a group/individual who wants to get involved.

Galaxy development projects usually occur asynchronously across time zones with remote contributions and interactions being the way most work gets done. You could post a question about the translation of admin materials to the mailing list. For example, if you wanted to make translation notes while going through the process, to later share with the wider community, this would be one way to find out who else is interested in getting that started. Ongoing maintenance/updates should be part of any project like this as the admin methods would need to reflect changes/updates over time.

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 12 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Thanks a lot, Jennifer! Your response is really helpful : )

ADD REPLYlink written 12 months ago by wxh810
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