Question: Proxy Error on importing files by FTP
gravatar for Guy Reeves
20 months ago by
Guy Reeves1.0k
Guy Reeves1.0k wrote:

Hi While uploading files using getdata>upload file> chose FTP file on our own galaxy instance, we keep getting the following error when we do this for long lists of files.

The same file that gives an error and goes red will be fine if we do it again.

the error we get is

Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /galaxy/. Reason: Error reading from remote server Apache/2.2.15 (Scientific Linux) Server at XXX.XXX port 80

Any ideas how we can stop this sometimes 50% of files need to be reloaded.



error import proxy ftp • 730 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 20 months ago by Guy Reeves1.0k

HI Guy, how many files do you have in this box?

ADD REPLYlink written 20 months ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k

HI Currently, we are trying 98 files at a time ( about 0.5Gb each). But in the past I have done this with 400 at a time with no problem. I have been told currently that if they drop to doing 8 at a time there is less or no problem.

We are using the same instance successful with 400 at a time and. We upload all the files to a user folder /galaxy/database/ftp/ and then use the getdata>upload file> chose FTP file. Almost always the first file goes through fine but then it is random which go red. Repeat attempts on files that have failed usually work fine, but it is a pain having to figure out which have been successful and which not. Not all the files which go red in the upload box fail to appear in the history successfully in green.

This is a conventional galaxy instance not a docker one. Cheers Guy

ADD REPLYlink written 20 months ago by Guy Reeves1.0k

would changing this setting in the 'galaxy.ini' file help ?

If large database query results are causing memory or response time issues in

the Galaxy process, leave the result on the server instead. This option is

only available for PostgreSQL and is highly recommended.

database_engine_option_server_side_cursors = False

ADD REPLYlink written 20 months ago by Guy Reeves1.0k
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