Question: Aachanges / Bed-To-Codon
gravatar for Christopher Schroeder
7.7 years ago by
Christopher Schroeder20 wrote:
Hello list, I already analysed some of our data with your framework and I want to thank you for your great work. But lately I stumbled on some strange behavior - I used the "aaChanges"-tool, as well as the Gene "BED-to-Codon"-tool with the same Gene-BED-File and compared the results. What I did: #example BED-file: chr17 3763624 3794037 uc002fwt.2 0 - 3765504 3788981 0 16 1953,104,129,88,74,54,200,89,22,37,134,52,54,48,403,51, 0,5577,9156,9470,12223,13078,15892,20015,21296,22197,22711,23098,23553 ,24049 ,24997,30362, #example-output of "aaChanges" chr17 3775847 3775848 C uc002fwt.2 Glu:Gly 375 T #example-output of "BED-to-Codon" chr17 3773172 3773175 uc002fwt.2 0 - chr17 3773175 3773178 uc002fwt.2 0 - chr17 3773178 3773181 uc002fwt.2 0 - chr17 3775849 3775852 uc002fwt.2 0 - chr17 3775852 3775855 uc002fwt.2 0 - Comparing both results, the "BED-to-Codon" actually presents no codon at position 3775848 - here the fist codon is starting at 3775849. But in fact, looking at the ucsc browser, "aaChanges" is right. There are another few examples (~5/1500 snps) and apparently most of them are positions among the first codon in an exon. Did anyone meet this problem before? What is my mistake? Thank you. Regards Chris
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ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 7.7 years ago by Christopher Schroeder20
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7.7 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Chris, Thank you for reporting the problem, it was indeed a calculation error with the BED-to-Codon operation. The code has been corrected, but has not been placed onto the Galaxy main server yet. Look for it in the next week and please let us know if you have more comments. Thanks again! Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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