Question: Acd2Xml
gravatar for Marc Logghe
11.3 years ago by
Marc Logghe10
Marc Logghe10 wrote:
Hi, (not sure whether this should go to the user or the dev list, so please forgive if I have chosen the wrong one ;-) First I had some trouble getting galaxy to work. It all had to do with the proper configuration of python. But google found a thread on the galaxy mailing list; this did the trick (somebody might find it useful): ./configure --enable-unicode=ucs4 I have 2 questions: 1) is there a script to convert EMBOSS' ACD format to galaxy XML ? It is just a matter of 'write-once-use-many-times'. If a tool is described in ACD you can easily wrap it into a webservice using SOAPLAB, or into a galaxy app, or ... 2) how can you run galaxy with apache ? Thanks and regards, Marc
galaxy • 581 views
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