Question: Finding past history local instance Galaxy
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23 months ago by
United Kingdom
segelmichael0 wrote:

Hello all, I have been trying this for a while (even trying to do this by ssh command line). I am currently running a cloudman amazon ec2 instance of galaxy. I had to shut down an old instance for a number of reasons and have reopened it with the same credentials. Allegedly, I should be able to find my old data files. My disk says it is nearly full, so i know it is there, but I just cannot find the actual data anywhere. Is there a way to get my previous history into my browser-applet thing, or failing that, just access the files themselves that are stored on the amazon storage volume??

Thank you so much! I really need this help!

local instance history • 453 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 22 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 23 months ago by segelmichael0
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22 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


To preserve the contents of an instance, this is the protocol: Cloudman sharing

If the prior instance was not share saved and that share brought up again, accessing the prior data will be tricky. A brand new database will not contain the prior content. However, if you downloaded (saved) the dataset/histories/workflows before stopping the instance, then these could be imported into the new instance (database) and permit GUI access.

It sounds as if those options were not done. If true, accessing the data will be tricky as it is organized by the database (object names will be set by the system - not the same as display names when accessed through the GUI). Still, going in with ssh to the primary data volume (or scp to transfer data on/off) should be possible.

More help is in these links and those associated in the side menu:

Best, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 22 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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