Question: Local install - storage question
gravatar for jtardiff
2.1 years ago by
jtardiff0 wrote:

Just set up a local Galaxy installation for the lab and it is running fine, one thing was not clear (at least to me). I have 16 TB external storage hooked up to the dedicated machine and I want all of the data to be directed to that storage and not the local disk. Is there a specific parameter I need to setup? I obviously don't want my local disk hammered by these large files.

Thanks in advance.


galaxy • 592 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.1 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k • written 2.1 years ago by jtardiff0
gravatar for Hotz, Hans-Rudolf
2.1 years ago by
Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k wrote:


Have a look at the 'file_path ' settings in the "galaxy.ini" file. You can also work with sym-links pointing to your attached storage.

Alternatively, you might wanna consider setting up the whole Galaxy installation on your external storage.

Hope this helps, Hans-Rudolf

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.1 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k
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