Question: problem with visualizing VCF files in IGV
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2.5 years ago by
nazaninhoseinkhan10 wrote:

Hi every body,

I am trying to visualize a VCF file (VCFannotation output from Galaxy) in IGV.

It seems this file is properly imported, but nothing is displayed. Moreover the message "no variants found" is reported.

Can anybody help me to find out where the problem is?

Thank you in advance


igv vcfannotation • 1.0k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 13 months ago by supriyachakraworty5370 • written 2.5 years ago by nazaninhoseinkhan10
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13 months ago by
supriyachakraworty5370 wrote:

As You have mentioned that you are facing issue to visualize a VCF file. There are two methods to view a VCF file one is a manual method and another is by using a third-party tool. According to your problem, I will suggest you proceed with a third-party tool. Which is easy to use and it gives 100% accurate result. There is a by the name of Systools vCard Viewer Freeware. This tool not only displays the contact details it also shows including the images. You can open, read and view VCF files in bulk.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 13 months ago • written 13 months ago by supriyachakraworty5370
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