Question: Ngs: Copy Number Modules?
gravatar for Richard Park
8.0 years ago by
Richard Park10
Richard Park10 wrote:
Hi Everyone, I'm new to Galaxy and was just wondering if there are any modules for copy number analysis for NGS data? Thanks, Richard Park
galaxy • 504 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 8.0 years ago by Richard Park10
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8.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Richard, Galaxy has tools that cover most steps, start to finish, for this type of analysis. These can be bundled into workflows for use on our main instance or your own (including for use with in-house clusters or external clouds). Which tools are the best fit will depend on the exact data type you are inputting and whether genomic regions, complete transcripts/genes, or SNPs are the final CNV targets. Start here for help that can get you oriented: If/when you have a question about a tool or workflow, be sure to let us know and we can offer more specific help, Thanks! Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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