Question: Error in Downloading Tool to Local Galaxy
gravatar for gkuffel22
3.5 years ago by
United States
gkuffel22170 wrote:


I am trying to download some new tools for microRNA expression analysis such as cutadapt and miRDeep2, however these tools have dependencies on Perl 5.18 and no matter what I try I cannot get Perl to install. Here are the errors I am seeing when I try to download Perl:

Name Version Type Status Error
perl 5.18.1 package Error   File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/", line 139, in install_and_build_package_via_fabric
    tool_dependency = self.install_and_build_package( tool_shed_repository, tool_dependency, actions_dict )
  File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/", line 124, in install_and_build_package
    initial_download=False )
  File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/tool_dependencies/recipe/", line 32, in execute_step
    initial_download=initial_download )
  File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/tool_dependencies/recipe/", line 776, in execute_step
    return tool_dependency, None, None
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 34, in __exit__
    self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 113, in nested
    yield vars
  File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/tool_dependencies/recipe/", line 773, in execute_step
    return_output=False )
  File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/tool_dependencies/recipe/", line 130, in handle_command
    output = self.handle_complex_command( command )
  File "/data/galaxy2/galaxy-dist/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/tool_dependencies/recipe/", line 200, in handle_complex_command
    print line

[Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
perl software error • 802 views
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