Question: galaxy cloudman not launching
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3.6 years ago by
United States
scambier40 wrote:


I've just tried to launch a couple of galaxy cloudman instances approximately 65 minutes ago, one in US East, one in US West. Neither has launched. The one in US West is still "requesting", US East has made it all the way to "ready" but has still not given me an IP address via the Cloudman start-up page, nor is it showing up in my Amazon EC2 Dashboard. (I have no instances running in any region according to Amazon).

I've successfully launched Cloudman instances dozens of times, so I would hope it's not an error on my part. Does anyone have any insight? Thanks so much,

galaxy • 818 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 3.6 years ago by scambier40

So I'm not sure what was going on. After 3 hours nothing ever showed up, just the Cloudman launch page telling me everything was ready but not providing an IP address, and Amazon telling me there were no instances running. I got worried that if I didn't terminate these requests somehow, I'd eventually start up a couple instances in the middle of the night and pay for compute time I didn't use. So my fix was to go into my Amazon account and delete my IAM user credentials and generate a new one. I assume this will keep me from getting surprise instances...

ADD REPLYlink written 3.6 years ago by scambier40
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